March 2023

Revel - Cellar Designs for Fine Wines

10 Things to Avoid When Designing a Wine Cellar

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Last month we wrote about how we as wine cellar designers navigate varying degrees of input from stakeholders when we put together a design. This input can come from interior designers, architects, and of course, the clients themselves. In general, we welcome this input...

Last month we wrote about how we as wine cellar designers navigate varying degrees of input from stakeholders when...

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10 Things to Avoid When Designing a Wine Cellar

Is Wine a Good Investment?

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So, is wine a good investment? This is a broad, complex, and controversial topic.  It has been studied extensively, but results have been inconclusive. The most common error in logic I have seen in the above-mentioned studies is that all of the costs involved...

So, is wine a good investment? This is a broad, complex, and controversial topic.  It has been studied extensively,...

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Is Wine a Good Investment?