
Revel - Cellar Designs for Fine Wines

Crafting Elegance in a Limited Space: The Story of the World’s First Self-Contained Wine Vault

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In the world of wine enthusiasts, the challenge of finding adequate storage for an expanding collection is not uncommon. When Revel Founder, Jim Cash, bought a new lake house, he faced a unique dilemma – there was no room for a traditional walk-in wine...

In the world of wine enthusiasts, the challenge of finding adequate storage for an expanding collection is not uncommon....

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Crafting Elegance in a Limited Space: The Story of the World’s First Self-Contained Wine Vault

Mastering the Art of Wine Tasting Room Visits

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Visiting wine tasting rooms is a delightful experience for wine enthusiasts and novices alike. It is a chance to savor exquisite flavors, learn about the winemaking process, and immerse yourself in the world of viticulture. Revel Custom Wine Cellars has had the pleasure of...

Visiting wine tasting rooms is a delightful experience for wine enthusiasts and novices alike. It is a chance to...

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Mastering the Art of Wine Tasting Room Visits

Climate Change’s Impact on the Wine Industry: Insights from a Leading Wine Cellar Company

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As the global climate continues to undergo significant changes, it profoundly affects various industries. One such industry facing the repercussions of climate change is the wine industry. With its intricate relationship with climate and geography, wine production is experiencing noticeable shifts in grape cultivation,...

As the global climate continues to undergo significant changes, it profoundly affects various industries. One such industry facing the...

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Climate Change’s Impact on the Wine Industry: Insights from a Leading Wine Cellar Company

10 Things to Avoid When Designing a Wine Cellar

| Blogs

Last month we wrote about how we as wine cellar designers navigate varying degrees of input from stakeholders when we put together a design. This input can come from interior designers, architects, and of course, the clients themselves. In general, we welcome this input...

Last month we wrote about how we as wine cellar designers navigate varying degrees of input from stakeholders when...

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10 Things to Avoid When Designing a Wine Cellar