
Revel - Cellar Designs for Fine Wines
Revel's blog hopes to inform, entertain and educate enthusiasts about not only good wine cellar design, but a diverse array of wine related subjects.

Functional and Beautiful Wine Cellars

| Press

Ocean Home Magazine profiles inventor Jim Cash, creator of supremely functional and beautiful wine cellar designs.  The result is not just a talking piece for dinner parties, but a great way to reevaluate the way in which you not only display your wine but...

Ocean Home Magazine profiles inventor Jim Cash, creator of supremely functional and beautiful wine cellar designs.  The result is...

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Functional and Beautiful Wine Cellars

Revolutionary Wine Cellar Designs

| Press

Morning Sun (Mt. Pleasant, Mich.) The Morning Sun takes a look at the revolutionary wine cellar designs created by Jim Cash. “The Revel system is the result of years of my own frustrations with traditional wine storage options,’ Cash said. ‘Diamond bins and standard...

Morning Sun (Mt. Pleasant, Mich.) The Morning Sun takes a look at the revolutionary wine cellar designs created by...

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Revolutionary Wine Cellar Designs

The Ferrari of Wine Cellars

| Press

Furniture Trends News cites Revel as the Ferrari of Wine Cellars. When a bottle of wine costs more than what many people make in a week, a cheap wire rack just won’t do. James Cash designed a system that makes the wine the star...

Furniture Trends News cites Revel as the Ferrari of Wine Cellars. When a bottle of wine costs more than...

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The Ferrari of Wine Cellars

A South Hampton Wine Cellar

| Press

Wine Spectator – June 2009 A South Hampton wine cellar is featured in this Wine Spectator story about Erica Abramson of First Growth Wine Cellars. Erica chose Revel Custom Wine Cellars to safeguard the collection she is building to fund her children’s college educations.

Wine Spectator – June 2009 A South Hampton wine cellar is featured in this Wine Spectator story about Erica...

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A South Hampton Wine Cellar